Ambition. Unleashed.
Ep2. From limited to unlimited possibility - with Stephen Carver

PODCAST | 40 minutes
Untitled design-9

Host: Sara Moore

Ep2. From limited to unlimited possibility - with Stephen Carver

Ep2. SHIFT ONE: Limited Possibility > Unlimited Possibility [with Stephen Carver]

In this episode we explore the first mindset shift we believe all ambitious, or ‘like to be more ambitious’, people should make if you want to at first identify your biggest, boldest, most breakthrough ambitions. In this week’s episode we show you why, how and what you can do to shift from a mindset that may limit your sense of possibility to one that un-limits your sense of possibility. With the help of Stephen Carver – a superb storyteller as well as a Change and Project Management Consultant and a Senior Lecturer at Cranfield University School of Management, we discovering the forces that cause even the most ambitious people to strive what they think they can have versus what they really, truly want.

Stephen Carver

Guest: Stephen Carver

Prior to Cranfield University, Stephen worked on projects for the oil business before moving on to work at Virgin before working directly for a global CEO as head of Project & Programme Management Strategy.  He has experience of Project and Programme Management in almost all business sectors from banks to oil and from construction to law firms.  He has lectured and consulted globally and is highly experienced in presenting ideas in a way that bridges different cultural and organisational differences. He is an Honorary Fellow of The Institute of Risk Management and an Honorary Fellow of The Association of Project Management.




[Wayne] Our mindset is one of the biggest determiners of our success and is perhaps the biggest determiner of whether or not we achieve our dreams and ambitions.



Next episode

Ep3. Stop predicting. Start declaring. - with Neil Rodgers

Declaring a possible future in a public arena will inspire, energise and enrol the world to help ...

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