Ambition. Unleashed.
Ep3. Stop predicting. Start declaring. - with Neil Rodgers

PODCAST | 01h : 00m : 04s
Untitled design-9

Host: Sara Moore

Ep3. Stop predicting. Start declaring. - with Neil Rodgers

Ep3. SHIFT TWO: Predicting the future > Declaring the future [with Neil Rodgers]

Bold declarations are the foundation of great leadership and are hugely powerful. In the previous episode of Ambition. Unleashed. our hosts Sara Moore and Wayne Alexander helped listeners understand how they can make the shift from limited to unlimited possibility – to help you first identity a new future filled with possibility. But this is only the beginning. Declaring that possible future in a public arena will inspire, energise and enrol the world to help you deliver it, even if you don’t know exactly how you’re going to achieve it yet.


Imagine declaring the future you want to happen instead of predicting what might happen. How would that change the way you approached your ambitions? Leadership is language and making a declaration is a creative act that uses precise, un-caveated terms to bring a possible future into being. Declarations need to be wholehearted and made publicly to those who will hold you to account – remember JFK’s declaration to get a “man on the moon before the decade was out”. True declarations are acts of bravery that put you and your ambitions at stake. And with the help of leading executive transformation coach and former Egg (online banking) executive from its 90s/00s hey day – Neil Rodgers – Wayne and Sara explore the art and anatomy of making a powerful declaration.



Guest: Neil Rodgers

After senior executive roles in the UK with Prudential and Egg (online banking), Neil called time on his corporate career in his early fifties.  Since then, he has pursued a portfolio life combining organisation/strategy consulting, executive coaching, studying, volunteering, parenting and partnering.


Neil believes:

  1. 1. Every individual is inherently great at something and deserves to un-conceal what that something is and create a way to exploit it
  2. 2. Any organisation can achieve sustainable competitive advantage through judicious stewardship of its human capital

At Prudential Neil had P&L accountability for corporate pensions operations including actuarial, accounting and legal services. At Egg Neil had an Executive Committee role, bringing stewardship to the deployment of human capital in Egg. 

Or in his words "you can just say I’m an old guy who has some experience of organisations."



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Next episode

Ep4. From Knowing to Curiously Learning - with Beatrice Bigois

In some ways what you know as a leader at work or in life has less significance than what you are ...

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