Ambition. Unleashed.
Ep.1 Redefining Ambition

PODCAST | 10 minutes
Untitled design-9

Host: Sara Moore

Ep.1 Redefining Ambition

Episode 1: Redefining Ambition

Most people if asked to define an ambitious person would say something like “a person who knows what they want and where they’re going”, perhaps with a big, hairy, audacious goal in mind - probably motivated by money or notoriety. But Ambition is less about knowing where you’re going, but the size of the possibility you can see and would be willing to commit to for yourself and/or your business.

This podcast is certainly for the self-identified ambitious, but it's also for those that feel they would like to grow the size of their ambition. In this first episode of Ambition. Unleashed. we introduce you to the mindset shifts we’re going to take you through over the next eight episodes. Mindset shifts we believe - without a doubt - are the essential foundations for helping you to identify and achieve your biggest, boldest most breakthrough ambitions.

Show notes and links


Please email us with any questions, coaching you need or to share your personal breakthrough stories or aha moments as we guide you through the mindset shifts.


[Sara] Our mindset is one of the biggest determiners of our success and is perhaps the biggest determiner of whether or not we achieve our dreams and ambitions.


We believe your mindset has more power and more influence ...


Next episode

Ep2. From limited to unlimited possibility - with Stephen Carver

In this episode we show you why, how and what you can do to shift from a mindset that may limit ...

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