Leadership Blog

Why leaders should step away from safety and embrace authenticity

Written by Achieve Breakthrough | 15 October 2024 14:15:29 Z

Effective leaders create the psychologically safe environments that empower teams to speak freely. But who creates the spaces where leaders feel safe to share the quiet internal voice that speaks truths to them? Who gives them confidence to speak their little voices, to be authentic and to call out things as they see them? Too often, the answer is no one.

In this article, we discuss why leaders need to show bravery and step away from safety in order to say and do what’s necessary to fulfil a true commitment.


Why great leaders are brave leaders

Truly great leaders are authentic and keep nothing back; that means actively putting themselves at risk to fully deliver on commitments.

But we are all guilty of withholding sometimes – choosing not to say what we really think and keeping some part of our authentic selves hidden from colleagues. In many ways our identities are defined as much by what we choose not to say as what we do say. We may hold back out of fear or concern over what people will think of us. We may feel the time is not right, or that it won’t make any difference.

At best this leads to those sterile meetings where issues are passed around like hot potatoes with no-one willing to fully grasp them and provide authentic responses. At worst it creates cultures of wilful blindness in which critical information is deliberately and collectively overlooked.

It is not enough for leaders to just create psychological safety for their teams. Lowering the barriers to honest, transparent and open discussion is essential for any high-performance team. But great leaders go further. They are prepared to hold nothing back in their commitment to their vision. This means being entirely authentic and admitting that they don’t have all the answers.


Embracing the uncomfortable and leading from the front

Exposing your true self in pursuit of a declared goal takes real commitment. This is the first test of authenticity – if you don’t really believe in the potential future you are trying to create then you will always keep something back.

Total honesty and authenticity will attract criticism, and may be uncomfortable. Leaders are inextricably linked to the commitments they make – concerns with one can spill over into criticism of the other. Expressing doubts, sharing unanswered questions, and highlighting unfortunate information that seemingly does not fit with the goal. All can misread as weakness by some.

But by being authentic, leaders proactively encourage commitment to overcoming breakdowns and co-creating solutions that deliver the vision. The emotional energy required to hold nothing back inspires others. It not only reinforces psychologically safe environments but provides a radical model of what calling out issues and concerns, bravely and honestly can deliver.

A leader who withholds nothing will also be better able to engage in generous listening. Listening from outside their own context, so that they hear what is really being said, not what fits with their own inner voice. As teams understand that they in turn are really listened to, they will be encouraged to speak. This open, authentic debate creates a virtuous cycle that quickly overcomes breakdowns and generates better ideas, stronger solutions and more effective approaches that deliver shared goals.


Putting yourself, not just your identity at stake

When we talk about leaders taking risks and withholding nothing, we mean putting themselves at stake, not just their identities as leaders. It means a willingness not only to lose face, but to risk position, reputation, everything, on achieving what you’ve boldly declared as your vision of the future.

At stake-ness is a proactive choice. It is not finding yourself in a position of risk and then working your way out. It is a set of constant, deliberate actions that seek out the difficult and the uncomfortable so that ideas are tested, assumptions challenged, and truths uncovered. It is a way of being that allows for no compromise and is completely focused on ensuring the vision is fully realised.


Difficult people: better ideas

So, what are some of the indicators that a leader is really putting themselves at stake? One of the first is that they will actively seek out people who test them. People who think differently and have different perspectives, experiences and skill sets and are willing to robustly defend their positions.

They will be difficult, even uncomfortable to work with, but consistent, rigorous testing of ideas, opinions and approaches leads to stronger outcomes. A leader should want to be tested, to have all their ideas, plans and opinions challenged so that they can become better.

But it’s not all conflict. The at-stake leader will be open to support as well. They are committed to the best possible outcome, not to what makes them look good, and so will ask frequently and widely for help, and be open to coaching and keen to improve. Anyone who can add value and move closer to the potential future they have declared, will be welcomed.

Successful leaders are driven not by acolytes, but by committed individuals who are loyal to a common goal rather than an individual. Choosing to work with people because they will help deliver the vision rather than support you as leader is the essence of putting yourself at stake.

Looking to truly authentic leadership? Get in touch to explore how we can help you ignite your ambitions.