1) LEADERSHIP NEWS: Why Leadership Development Programmes Fail
Sidestepping four common mistakes can help companies develop stronger and more capable leaders, save time and money, and boost morale.
Read more here.
2) WORLD NEWS: What Can We Learn From The Llama Drama
When was the last time that a headline such as “Urgent Llama News” caught the attention of millions of people around the world? Well, one endearing run-away Llama story hit the headlines last week and these two tearaways became world famous in just an hour. Not only did they take over a highway in Phoenix, Arizona but the ensuing chase took over twitter and nearly broke the internet!
Director of Digital at Ogilvy and long term client, James Whatley, shared his view on the lessons that business leaders can learn from the chaos that ensued. His short but insightful blog reminded us that even the most seemingly random of world events can hold lessons for us as leaders if we are prepared to think a little unconventionally.
To read James’ blog, click here.
3) EMERGING BREAKTHROUGHS IN BUSINESS: How Collaboration Is Creating A Transport Breakthrough
Achieve Breakthrough client, Transport Systems Catapult, were heralded by Labour party leader Ed Milliband for their innovative work and the breakthrough that they are creating in the efficiency and sustainability of transport systems in the UK.
The Catapult programme is rare in that it is one of a handful of projects to gain cross party support. During a visit to Catapults new “Innovation Centre”, Mr Milliband and Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer Ed Balls were given insights into some of Catapults current projects including their highly creative Driverless pods which are helping to reduce passenger delays in seven of our UK airports.
To read more about their groundbreaking innovation, click here.
4) ACHIEVE BREAKTHOUGH IN THE PRESS: Why It Really Does Pay To Be Honest In Business
Our thought provoking interview with ‘Management Today’ about honesty in business, made their ‘Picks of the Week’ this month. Our Founder, Mike Straw, spoke to MT about the crucial importance of honesty when creating a breakthrough culture. Mike wrote:
“Companies need to constantly aim for breakthroughs in their business – ways to take performance, productivity, sales and engagement to new levels. But you can’t have a breakthrough without encountering setbacks or breakdowns. And when you do, these need to be embraced and openly acknowledged and discussed – not hidden through half-truths or self-justifications.”
To read the full article, click here.
5) RAINBOW HUNTING: Our ‘Rising Star’ Goes In Search Of Violet This Month
If you follow our blog, you’ll know that our colleague and friend, Lindsay Hawdon is on an incredible journey with her two sons on a journey around seven different countries to find seven different colours. Linked to her debut novel released next month, ‘Jakobs Colours’, the book and the accompanying journey of Lindsay and her family are providing us all with delightful stories of possibility and inspiration.
This month’s colour, Violet, is covered in a beautiful piece in the Independent and coincides with Lindsay being named as one of a handful of Amazon’s 2015 ‘Rising Stars’ which selects the most promising debut titles to be released this year.
To read this month’s colour, ‘In search of Violet’, click here.
6) STORY FOR INSPIRATION: Be The Exception Not The Norm – An Inspirational Woman Deemed Quadriplegic Competes In Renowned Bodybuilding Competition
Aged just 16, Vanessa Rogers was in a car accident that left her paralyzed from the neck down and she was deemed quadriplegic. With less than a one percent chance of being able to regain mobility, her future was seemingly diminished and Vanessa battled with depression as she struggled to come to terms with her new reality.
Vanessa was the 1%. Around two months after the incident, she was able to move her feet and legs again. This small change was all it took for Vanessa to kick-start her rehabilitation process; within 10 months, she was walking with only the assistance of a cane.
Not only did she go onto walk again but at the beginning of February, Vanessa committed to a gym regime which meant she was able to take part in the Muscle Beach Fall Classic, a well-known body building competition, where she went on to be placed in the top three.
Vanessa inspired us by her ability to see beyond the conventional reasons and “truths” as to why she couldn’t walk again. Instead, she chose to believe in the tiny opening that appeared the day that she moved her toes again – believing in the most feint of possibilities that maybe, just maybe, she could walk again.
Her positive mindset and unwavering commitment reminded us that whether in our roles as leaders or in our wider lives, the mindset and attitude through which we view the world is sometimes the main thing that limits us from achieving our ambitions. It can be the shackles that hold us back or the wings that set us free.
Achieving a breakthrough result never comes without set backs but there are often signals that you are on the right path and that you are working towards a bigger possibility. They are to be celebrated and sought out. So go, create your own setbacks and just watch the endless possibilities emerge.
To read more above Vanessa’s story, click here.
Have you got an extraordinary story that you would like considered for publishing on our monthly blog: 6 Impossible Things? Do get in touch by contacting karen.neal@achievebreakthrough.com.